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Here is information about acupuncture & moxibustion, and how they are used in treatment.

About Acupuncture & Moxibustion


​​What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a method of balancing the flow of Qi, one’s “vital energy”, by inserting fine needles and applying heat, pressure or electrical current at specific acupuncture points, which will aid the body to promote natural healing and improve functioning.



“ … in Chinese Medicine, acupuncture traditionally was believed to work by maintaining and balancing the flow of Qi in the human body, Qi is a concept that is difficult to translate into English, but it commonly is equated with “vital energy” and has been subsumed under the various Western traditions of vitalism...

To maintain physical and mental health, the flow of Qi must stay fluid and in balance macroscopically, as individuals relate to their environment, an microscopically, as organ functions interact. A blockage in the flow of Qi can cause an imbalance and eventually manifest as disease…

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, individuals can influence this balance of Qi internally, by analyzing the flow of Qi along defined pathways on the surface of the body in a set of channels called meridians. The meridians all are connected to each other and to all the internal organs in complex patterns. Treatment involves first correctly identifying the internal and external imbalances, then by inserting needles into appropriate points along the meridians, helping to realign Qi flow in the body to restore internal homeostasis. “


Phys Med Rehabilitation Clin N Am 15 (2004) 749-772




​​What is moxibustion?

Moxibustion is one of  the traditional Chinese medicine therapy using the burning of an herb called Mugwort.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Mugwort is considered to be warm, acrid, and bitter when used in herbal prescriptions. When burnt, it has similar properties and, thus, its warming nature is useful for helping to expel cold and damp from the body as well as warming the body’s channels called meridians. The bitter and acrid aspects of Mugwort help to break stagnation, clear phlegm, and rectify the Qi and blood.

In modern medicine, it is a form of fire heat treatment that stimulates specific acupuncture points of the body. The heat from moxibustion is very penetrating, making it effective for treatment of impaired circulation, and yang deficiency. When applied to acupuncture points specific for yang deficiency, the body absorbs the heat into its deepest levels, restoring the body’s yang Qi and “life-gate fire”, the source of all heat and energy in the body. It is extremely useful in reducing inflammation and promoting healthy tissue regeneration.

What can moxibustion treat?

In terms of modern science, the moxibustion works like using infrared radiation to mellow out inflammation. Unlike using heat just on the surface, moxibustion, like infra-red, penetrates deep into the tissue, muscle or joint affected and though it’s warm to the touch, has the ability to flush out inflammation and essentially cool off the area. Moxibustion therapy is useful for treating many disorders including:

•  Reduce pain, acting somewhat like an analgesic:

           - Headche

           - Painful periods

           - Frozen shoulder
           - Pain that worsens with cold
           - Sports injuries
• Digestive disorders such as diarrhea or food stagnation and ulcers
• Poor concentration or memory
• Colds and flu
• Promotes healthy Immunity, when used at specific acupuncture points
• Promotes kidney function
• Fertility and menstrual disorders



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